1. the first photo "sent across the wire was in janurary 1,1935
2.the photo that was first sent across telephone wires was a picture of a plane crash
3.(25) cities received the first photo
4.The Hindenburg was a burning blimp that crashed and blew up
5.The Glenn Miller Orchestra performed the mood
6.Life magazine used the concept of Picture Magic
7.(F.S.A) the United States government agency documented poverty in the 1930's
8.African-American photographer Gordin Parks worked for the F.S.A
9.The panting of ella in the front of the american flag with a mop and a broom
10.Ansel Adams was the famous landscape photographer shown in the video
11.Pearl Harbor was bombed in december 7,1941
12. A beautiful women that can be describe as a mans dream girl was a pin up girl 13.It was 14 years away btween d-day and the first photo sent across the wire
14.Iowa jima ook the famous photos on Normandy Beach during D-Day 15.Repersenting that it was there territoryRosenthal's picture with the American Flag